Challenge Points: 100

We are given an encryption script

Other than the ciphertext, values of n, g, h are also public. The following function is used to generate values for the challenge:

def generate(nbits):
	p = getPrime(nbits)
	q = getPrime(nbits)
	n = p * q * p
	g = random.randint(1, n)
	h = pow(g, n, n)
	return (n, g, h)

The encryption function:

def encrypt(m, n, g, h):
	r = random.randint(1, n)
	c = pow(pow(g, m, n) * pow(h, r, n), 1, n)
	return c

As we can see, the ciphertext for each character in the plaintext is generated separately.
For \(i^{th}\) byte of message we can write the corresponding ciphertext as:
$$c_i \equiv ((g^{m_i}\mod n) * (h^r\mod n)) \mod n$$ Given: \(h \equiv g^n \mod n\). We can now write:
$$c_i \equiv ((g^{m_i}\mod n) * (g^{nr}\mod n)) \mod n$$ $$\implies c_i \equiv g^{m_i + nr}\mod n$$

Since \(n = p*p*q\),
\(c_i \equiv g^{m_i + p^2qr}\mod n\)
\(c_i \equiv g^{m_i + npr}\mod n\) –> (1)

Taking power \((p-1)*(q-1)\) on both sides of (1), we get:
\(c_i^{(p-1)(q-1)}\equiv g^{(m_i + npr)(p-1)(q-1)}\mod n\)
\(c_i^{(p-1)(q-1)}\equiv g^{m_i(p-1)(q-1)}*g^{nrp(p-1)(q-1)}\mod n \)

Since \(\phi(n) = p(p-1)(q-1)\),
$$c_i^{(p-1)(q-1)}\equiv g^{m_i(p-1)(q-1)}*g^{nr\phi(n)}\mod n $$

From Euler’s Theorem, we have:
\(a^{\phi(n)}\equiv 1\mod n\)

Hence, we can write:
\(c_i^{(p-1)(q-1)}\equiv g^{m_i(p-1)(q-1)}\mod n\) –> (2)

Now that we have eliminated r from the equation, let us first get the factors of n using

    p = 1057817919251064684989791981
    q = 1103935256393984899021164397

Now that we have the factors, we can use (2) to get solution for each ciphertext byte.
For each byte, we just have to check for 256 possibilities of corresponding message byte and a total of 54*256 brute-force checks to get the flag (We already know the other values in (2): p, q, \(c_i\)).

Full exploit:

import gmpy2
from Crypto.Util.number import *

n = 1235280093599323856390922798440377476467763531842392869674688408727824382702235317
g = 1110549711091392805024587195974719739929628997819528005374351081843256209971586072
h = 610466084395822279908554174354632326166097007218620288020807622478449585661028278

p = 1057817919251064684989791981
q = 1103935256393984899021164397
assert (p**2)*q == n

phin = p*(p-1)*(q-1)
# enc.txt is the ciphertext file
list1 = open("enc.txt",'r').read()[1:-2]
list1 = list1.split(",")
list1 = [int(i[:-1]) for i in list1]

# Exploit
list1 = [pow(i, (p-1)*(q-1), n) for i in list1]
msg = ""
for i in list1:
	for j in range(1, 256):
		if pow(g, j*(p-1)*(q-1), n) == i:
			msg += chr(j)
	print msg

Flag: MeePwnCTF{well_is_fact0rizati0n_0nly_w4y_to_s0lve_it?}