Challenge Points: 158

Ciphertext is generated as following:

def encrypt(nbit, msg):
    msg = bytes_to_long(msg)
    p = getPrime(nbit)
    q = getPrime(nbit)
    n = p*q
    s = getPrime(4)
    enc = pow(n+1, msg, n**(s+1))
    return n, enc

We have: \((n+1)^{msg}\mod n^{s+1}\)

Expanding the above equation Binomially, we get:
$$\binom{msg}{0}n^{msg} + \binom{msg}{1}n^{msg-1} + \binom{msg}{2}n^{msg-2} + … + \binom{msg}{msg-1}n + \binom{msg}{msg}n^0$$ $$(\binom{msg}{0}n^{msg-2} + \binom{msg}{1}n^{msg-3} + … + \binom{msg}{2})n^2 + \binom{msg}{msg-1}n + \binom{msg}{msg}n^0$$ This can be written as: \((x)n^2 + mn + 1\), where
$$x = \binom{msg}{0}n^{msg-2} + \binom{msg}{1}n^{msg-3} + … + \binom{msg}{2}$$

If we take the above result and divide it with \(n^2\), the following can be written:
\(xn^2 + mn + 1\equiv mn + 1\mod n^2\) –> (1)

We know that \(n^{s+1}\) > \(n^2\) and \(n^{s+1};%;n^2 = 0\)

\(enc\equiv (n+1)^{msg}\mod n^{s+1}\)
\(\implies enc\equiv (n+1)^{msg}\mod n^2\)

From (1), we can write:
\(enc\equiv msg*n + 1\mod n^2\)
\(\implies msg = \frac{(enc \mod n^2) - 1}{n}\)
